Page size with geometry package

PCTeX v6 beta tester input and discussion

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Page size with geometry package

Post by wms »

My document uses


When I translate the input file with regular latex (LaTeX2e <2006/06/01>) the printed area including heading fills about WxH=16.2cm x 24.5cm.

When I translate the input file with PCTeX the printed area is only about 14.7cm x 21.9cm.

Am I overlooking something or is this a bug?

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Re: Page size with geometry package

Post by PTIForAdmin »

wms wrote:My document uses


When I translate the input file with regular latex (LaTeX2e <2006/06/01>) the printed area including heading fills about WxH=16.2cm x 24.5cm.

When I translate the input file with PCTeX the printed area is only about 14.7cm x 21.9cm.

Am I overlooking something or is this a bug?
It doesn't seem like a PCTeX bug, since this is a straight LaTeX file. We supply LaTeX from TeX Live 2005 (LaTeX2e <2003/12/01>) and also the various packages from the same distribution.

A likely source of the problem is the geometry package. Which version did you use? You can get this from the log file. The one we supply is geometry 2002/07/08 v3.2. In the log file it shows

Code: Select all

-------------------- Geometry parameters
paper&#58; a4paper
landscape&#58; --
twocolumn&#58; --
twoside&#58; --
driver&#58; pdftex
-------------------- Page layout dimensions and switches
\paperwidth  597.50787pt
\paperheight 845.04684pt
\textwidth  418.25368pt
\textheight 591.5302pt
which agrees with the sizes you noted for PCTeX, 14.7cm x 20.7cm.
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Jun 01, 2006 5:55 am

Post by wms »

Oh I see, thanks, I should have figured that one out myself... the geometry package on our Red Hat box was version 2.2. I added the compat2 option to the package parameters and that solved the problem.

By the way, thanks for fixing the earlier bug with files on residing on mounted shared drives. I can now use the PCTeX v6 beta fully it seems.
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