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Y&Y TeX vs. MiKTeX with MathTimePro2 fonts

Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:53 pm
by murray
I used updated fonts just prior to posting of 0.98.

Initially I had different page breaks with a test document of my own in the two TeX systems. but that seems to have disappeared once I updated geometry.sty in Y&Y to the same version I use with MiKTeX.

There are two other peculiarities, indirectly related to the fonts:

1. With Y&Y, when mtpro2.sty is loaded, I get messages that \vec is already defined, and then ditto for \grave, \acute, \check, \breve, \bar, \hat, \dot, \tilde, \ddot. Perhaps this is due to different versions of amsmath.sty?

2. In Y&Y, I must include


for otherwise I get message:

OT1/ptm/m/n/10.95=ptm7t at 10.95pt not loadable:
Metric (TFM) file not found

I am clearly using different psnfss package files with Y&Y than with MiKTeX. I tried updating the Y&Y versions to be the same as those for MiKTeX, but then all hell breaks loose over encodings -- with Y&Y expecting to find TeXnAnsi encodings and not finding them. (It may be that in Y&Y I have to update tfm's for Times, too. But I am loathe to mess further with Y&Y with respect to a working font configuration.)

Posted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 3:47 am
by WaS
please, send me <> your test document and the
log files that would result with and without \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}


Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 9:27 am
by WaS
Preliminary anwers:

1) Using T1 encoding with Times cannot work on Y&Y-TeX.
Y&Y-TeX supports Times and other fonts from the non-TeX world
only with LY1 encoding.

2) Updating psnfss on Y&Y-TeX is pointless. The psnfsss collection
supports the Base35 fonts with OT1 and T1/TS1 encoding, which
does not work on Y&Y-TeX; see above.

3) Loading fontenc should not be necessary at all, but
I do not yet understand why you get the error re. OT1/ptm.
Does it help to issue \usepackage[LY1]{fontenc} before loading

4) The errors re. \vec etc. may be due to an obsolete amsmath.sty,
as compared with MikTeX. Please, run a minimal test document
that does not use amsmath to check this.

More info on Sunday.

Your answers identified the problems & solutions!

Posted: Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:49 pm
by murray
WaS wrote:Preliminary anwers:

1) Using T1 encoding with Times cannot work on Y&Y-TeX....

2) Updating psnfss on Y&Y-TeX is pointless....

3) Loading fontenc should not be necessary at all, but
I do not yet understand why you get the error re. OT1/ptm.
Does it help to issue \usepackage[LY1]{fontenc} before loading

4) The errors re. \vec etc. may be due to an obsolete amsmath.sty,
as compared with MikTeX. Please, run a minimal test document
that does not use amsmath to check this.
Re 3): Yes, \usepackage[LY1]{fontenc} in my test documen avoides he error about OT1.

5) Yes, the error about \vec, etc., was due to an obsolete amsmath.sty. Refreshing the amsmath files fixed this.

Thank you!