Three bugs in v6 beta

PCTeX v6 beta tester input and discussion

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Three bugs in v6 beta

Post by TomK »

The following are some of the problems I have with PCTeX v6
(on two machines, Win 2K Pro SP4 with ATM De Luxe, Adobe PS
printer driver v5, and HP Laserjet 5MP printer).

(1) Initexing local format file

In Settings > Directories... > Additional TeX Input, I enter the path
to mylatex.tex, a local format file.

In Typeset > Initex > Other > Macro file name, I enter mylatex, hit
the INITeX button, and get the following response:

*** Typesetting mylatex ***
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.20a-2.2 (Web2c 7.5.3) (INITEX)
%&-line parsing enabled.
output format initialized to DVI
! I can't find file `mylatex'.
<*> mylatex
Please type another input file name:

(2) Dvi viewer

(2.1) An existing dvi file opens at default rez of 116 DPI;
pressing once Up/Down Arrow, or Page Up/Down, keys makes the window
jump all the way from top to bottom and back to top of document, skipping the
middle part; the mouse scroll button produces a jittery
display, and two clicks of the wheel cover the whole hight of the

(2.2) Hit the 'U' key, and the image is displayed magnified at 142
DPI; now all four Up/Down keys work properly (four hits needed to see
everything from top to bottom); and the mouse scroll wheel works
properly, too (each click shifts the display one line up/down), with
no jitter.

(2.3) Increase magnification once more, and at 162 DPI the vertical
scrolling is as it should be.

(2.4) By repeatedly hitting the 'D' key, the display falls back,
curiously enough, to 150 DPI, then to 120 DPI, to 90 DPI, and 60 DPI,
all the while with proper keys/mouse scrolling; within the session the
display never returns to the initial 116 DPI.

(3) N-up Printing

The request for 2-up printing is ignored; e.g., each page of a two page document is
printed normally on a separate sheet of paper, and a third sheet is
ejected with an empty 2-up frame printed on the left half. This is
a bug inherited from PCTeX v5. Note that 2-up printing works fine
in the old PCTeX v4.2.

(4) Elsewhere on this forum it was suggested that in cmex.tpm package
the mistyped fmex?.pfb file names be corrected to cmex?.pfb.
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Location: San Francisco, CA

Re: Three bugs in v6 beta

Post by PTIForAdmin »

TomK wrote:The following are some of the problems I have with PCTeX v6
(on two machines, Win 2K Pro SP4 with ATM De Luxe, Adobe PS
printer driver v5, and HP Laserjet 5MP printer).

(1) Initexing local format file

In Settings > Directories... > Additional TeX Input, I enter the path
to mylatex.tex, a local format file.

In Typeset > Initex > Other > Macro file name, I enter mylatex, hit
the INITeX button, and get the following response:

*** Typesetting mylatex ***
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.20a-2.2 (Web2c 7.5.3) (INITEX)
%&-line parsing enabled.
output format initialized to DVI
! I can't find file `mylatex'.
<*> mylatex
Please type another input file name:
We have fixed this and it will be available in the next beta release.
(2) Dvi viewer

(2.1) An existing dvi file opens at default rez of 116 DPI;
pressing once Up/Down Arrow, or Page Up/Down, keys makes the window
jump all the way from top to bottom and back to top of document, skipping the
middle part; the mouse scroll button produces a jittery
display, and two clicks of the wheel cover the whole hight of the

(2.2) Hit the 'U' key, and the image is displayed magnified at 142
DPI; now all four Up/Down keys work properly (four hits needed to see
everything from top to bottom); and the mouse scroll wheel works
properly, too (each click shifts the display one line up/down), with
no jitter.

(2.3) Increase magnification once more, and at 162 DPI the vertical
scrolling is as it should be.

(2.4) By repeatedly hitting the 'D' key, the display falls back,
curiously enough, to 150 DPI, then to 120 DPI, to 90 DPI, and 60 DPI,
all the while with proper keys/mouse scrolling; within the session the
display never returns to the initial 116 DPI.
The vertical scrolling has been improved at all resolutions, as of the December 18 beta release.

Displaying at a consistent DPI is a tricky problem. We may switch from showing DPI to percentage, as Acrobat does.
(3) N-up Printing

The request for 2-up printing is ignored; e.g., each page of a two page document is
printed normally on a separate sheet of paper, and a third sheet is
ejected with an empty 2-up frame printed on the left half. This is
a bug inherited from PCTeX v5. Note that 2-up printing works fine
in the old PCTeX v4.2.
In version 5 we tried to send a PostScript stream to implement this, not always successfully. We will switch to more direct method supported by Win 2K and XT.
(4) Elsewhere on this forum it was suggested that in cmex.tpm package
the mistyped fmex?.pfb file names be corrected to cmex?.pfb.
Even though it looks odd, the cmex package is correct. See
Posts: 5
Joined: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:34 pm

Post by macjen9008 »

I had the same problem with the Initexing local format file. Hopefully this will get fixed as they come out of Beta. I am usually a bit resistant to do Beta. I find myself spending way too much time trying to make things work. I think I am going to hold off until it gets released.
Mac Jenkins
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